- ‡ Schedule subject to change with adequate notification.
- Assign Date: The date that the module (Mindtap and paired activities) is assigned. All modules & activities for a chapter are made available at the start of each chapter.
- Completing the assignments: You are expected to complete the work for the course in a linear fashion as outlined in each module. The sequence of these activities is intentional - moving from mechanical to meaningful/communicative interactions in the language.
- Click on the module link for the day. Read and prepare everything via Mindtap as indicated on the module page, learning and prepping, completing and submitting activities, and watching the associated videos. Follow the order indicated. Participate in the Mindtap activities by listening, speaking, responding and submitting as indicated.
- Complete the paired
activities with your course mate according to the instructions in each module.
- Complete any other project, take the test, etc.
- *Due Date: Unless otherwise indicated all Mindtap activities and projects are due before 8 AM Eastern on the date indicated. All times are Eastern.
- **Due Date: Dates on which you can take the exam, and when projects are due; projects have separate signup and completion deadlines.
- Mindtap grading: There are certain activities that are only partially graded by Mindtap and require instructor review to complete the grading process. Your grade will appear as 0% for these activities. Your responses are visible to the instructors and will be graded as needed. Also, accurate punctuation is an essential element of written language. Therefore, answers you submit that do not follow the punctuation, capitalization and written stress/tilde norms of Spanish will be marked as incorrect.