FLS101 Elementary Spanish I

Examen 4 (pp 85-114) - Hoja previa


Date: Follow the dates on the syllabus and the course Moodle.
Time Limit: 60 minutes; see the course Moodle for your testing window
Procedure: Review Test 1 for full details on location, Moodle, Examity, keyboards and the Code of Student Conduct.

Parte auditiva

  1. ¡Fuera de lugar! Listen to groups of 4 items and write the item that is out of place.
  2. Una conversación. Listen to the conversation then indicate "cierto" or "falso" to the statements, according to what you heard.
  3. Lógico o ilógico.  Listen to the statements and indicate whether they are "lógico" or "ilógico".
  4. Preguntas personales.  Answer questions asked by the professor using complete Spanish sentences.

Parte escrita

  1. Saber y conocer. Fill in the blank with the correct form of saber o conocer.
  2. Gustar. Describe likes and dislikes by filling in the blanks with the missing words.
  3. Verbos irregulares. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs selected from a list.
  4. El tiempo. Be able to desribe weather, seasons, etc., according to the prompts.
  5. Vocabulario. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate vocabulary words.
  6. Ensayo. Write a paragraph based on the themes of chapter 3, according to the paramaters indicated.
  7. Encuentro cultural. Indicate "cierto" o "falso" to statements based on the "Nota lingüística," "Cultura," "¡A explorar!" "Comentario cultural", and "Encuentro cultural" sections of the textbook, as well as the video clips.

Note: While each exam focuses on a particular chapter, all exams are, due to natural linguistic and cultural necessity, comprehensive.