FLS101 Elementary Spanish I

Final Exam


Date: Follow the dates on the syllabus
Time Limit: 2.5 hours; see the course moodle for your testing window

Parte auditiva

  1. ¡Fuera de lugar! Listen to groups of 4 items and write the item that is out of place.
  2. La casa. Fill in blanks with missing information using house related vocabulary. Also answer true / false questions based on what you hear.
  3. Lógico o ilógico.  Listen to the statements and indicate whether they are "lógico" or "ilógico".
  4. Preguntas personales.  Answer questions asked by the professor using complete Spanish sentences.
  5. Definiciones. From a given list, select the words defined by the instructor.

Parte escrita

  1. La clase. Label six items in the picture of a classroom.
  2. El tiempo. Describe the weather in the drawing.
  3. La hora. Write sentences using the words and times given, with additional words as needed.
  4. Los números. Write out check amounts using words.
  5. Possessives. Answer questions describing who owns what, using two ways of showing possession, when possible.
  6. Encuentro cultural. Review all "Cultura", "¿Nos entendemos?" "Comentario cultural," "Nota lingüística," "¡A explorar!" and the "Encuentro cultural" sections of the chapters. Decide whether the statements concerning Hispanic culture are True or False.
  7. Stem-changing verbs. Conjugate verbs that are given to complete a paragraph.
  8. Lectura. Read a passage in Spanish and answer questions in English.
  9. Present progressive. Describe what the people in the pictures are doing using the present progressive.
  10. Las preposiciones. Select the most logical preposition to complete sentences.
  11. Affirmative familiar commands. Write the correct affirmative familiar command of the infinitive.
  12. Present tense and adjective agreement. Create sentences describing people and their feelings by using elements from column of words.
  13. Gustar. Answer the questions using the gustar construction. (incorporated into other exam sections)
  14. Saber y conocer. Write sentences using saber or conocer and other elements. (incorporated into other exam sections)