Módulo 03 | Capítulo P | Páginas 008-013

Second Language Acquisition


Watch this Zoom presentation created by profesora Despain on Second Language Acquisition: Strategies and Tools for Learning

Part 2: Effective Use of Technology


Encuentro cultural


Review this map link to see how many Hispanic countries you can identify, and then watch this video with your eTextbook open in another window.

Vídeo 01 - Encuentro cultural



Complete the activities in the El mundo hispano folder of capítulo P in Mindtap.

Estructura 1- Pronombres de sujeto y el verbo "ser"


Watch these videos to learn more about our first verb, ser.

Vídeo 02 - El verbo "ser"

Vídeo 03 - TP.9 ¿Ser o no ser?

*Similar to English, there are variations in Spanish subject pronouns that are not officially prescribed, but which may be experienced in text or conversation (e.g. vos, elle). See this page for additional resources.


Complete the activities in the Estructura 1 folder of capítulo P in Mindtap.

Así se dice - El verbo "hay" y los números


Memorize as needed the numbers 1-30 (remember to click on the blue Audio icon to hear the textbook audio) and then participate in this video:

Vídeo 05 - Los números: Cantando y contando


Complete the activities in the Así se dice folder of capítulo P in Mindtap.

Recordings - Use It!


Submit your recording for activity UP-21 in the Estructura 1 folder. (Complete the other single-student recordings that are marked as required; they will be part of your daily MindTap score.) There is no activity that you record with your coursemate for this module.

Al futuro ...


Pages 014-018 in the textbook and Test #1