Módulo 02 | Capítulo P | ebook 001-007

Second Language Acquisition


Watch this Zoom presentation created by profesora Despain on Second Language Acquisition: Strategies and Tools for Learning

Part 1: Learning Strategies


Class Time


View the following two videos prior to completing the Mindtap work assigned below.


Complete the activities in the Goals, Vocabulario 1 and ¡A explorar! folders of capítulo P in Mindtap. Be sure to study and learn the material in the textbook, and then complete and submit the activities; don't simply jump straight to the activities.

Be sure to read everything out loud in Spanish as you study and learn. Listen to all of the "vocabulario esencial" by clicking on the blue audio links. Repeat, mimic and memorize the new vocabulary.

Recordings - Use It!


Prepare independently, and then complete activity UP-11 (in the Vocabulario 1 folder) with your course mate via Mindtap. See the Course Mate and Recording Activity Information page if you have questions.

Al futuro ...


Pages 8-13 in the textbook