FLS101-601 Elementary Spanish I
Summer I 2022 - Online Course


Instructor Information
Jennifer Despain & Scott Despain
Course Information
Elementary Spanish 1
FLS101 (3 credits; no GEP)
Grading Scale:
  A- 90-92.99%

Point System:
Quizzes 5%
Recordings (Single/Multi-student) 7%
Projects/Oral Assessment 8%
Chapter Exams
Final Exam

  1. Catalog Description and Course Overview: For students with little or no background or previous study of Spanish or for those who place into the course via the Spanish placement exam. Development of communicative abilities within an integrated skill approach (speaking, listening, reading, writing). Introduction to the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. Includes written and oral assignments of language structures and vocabulary. Conducted entirely in Spanish. Closed to native speakers of Spanish. Given the nature of the course, you will be expected to complete a significant amount of work on your own, plus some work with your course mate. See the Course Objectives for what a successful student will be able to do with the language at the end of the course. It is very easy to fall behind; being successful in this course requires substantial self discipline. Prior to registration, review this FLS101-601 information Page and complete the Virtual Orientation from Delta.

  2. ChapasChapas Learning another language is an adventure! As part of the Online FLS 101 course, students can earn points as well as chapas (badges in Spanish). These course elements are meant to be fun, motivating and rewarding. The chapas have specific rewards associated with them and are awarded in the following order: 1, Drop one low quiz score; 2, Drop one low recording score; 3, Drop one low module Mindtap score; 4, Drop one additional low quiz score; 5, Drop one additional low recording score; 6, Drop one additional low module Mindtap score; 7, Drop the lowest chapter exam score.

  3. Placement Test: If you studied Spanish in high school or have other significant experience with the language (lived in a Spanish-speaking country or Spanish was spoken in your home), you are required to take the placement test prior to enrollment in the course. Complete information on how to take the test online can be found here. (If you have not studied Spanish previously you do not need to take the placement test.) Prior to the start of classes ALL students must fill out and submit this Google Form to verify that you are enrolled in the correct class. If you took the placement test but have forgotten the course you placed into, or you lost your paperwork, follow these instructions in order to find your course placement.

  4. PlazasCourse Materials: MindTap for Plazas: Lugar de encuentros, Cengage Learning, 5th Ed., 2019. The access code for MindTap for Plazas can be purchased through the NC State bookstore, or online. There are various options regarding cost ($100-$146), duration of access (4-24 months) and media (electronic + a loose-leaf textbook). See the 601 account/purchasing link for help in creating an account and obtaining the textbook. The course key/code is: MTPPNF7ZZFNB. For best results, use a computer (not your phone) and use Chrome for your browser when completing all MindTap activities. Watch this video to learn how to navigate MindTap. See additional textbook information on the Spanish Lower Division page. (Note: Cengage offers a free 7-day trial if you are waiting on your book key to arrive.) Additional registration resources can be found here. If you find that you are in the wrong section of MindTap, visit this url, getenrolled.com, to get in the correct section. If your email address is being used as your name, fix the problem by visiting this link. Cengage Virtual Student Office Hours- Registration, Purchase Options, and Help Getting Started with MindTap and eTextbooks--https://cengage.zoom.us/j/91612851116, May 18-19, 10-12.

  5. Modules: This course consists of 25 modules which guide you through a set of learning experiences: studying the eTextbook, viewing instructor videos, completing MindTap practice and course mate activities, as well as projects. Individual modules are due according to the course schedule. See workload for additional information. In this course, unless otherwise indicated, please form and respond to questions using complete Spanish phrases which incorporate the vocabulary, spelling, written stress marks and verb phrases you have learned and are learning. Be sure to actively watch and participate in each instructor video for the module. All module submissions and their associated activities in MindTap will not be accepted after the due date/time. (Unless otherwise noted, due date time is 8 am eastern.) See the NCSU attendance regulation 02.20.03.)

  6. Daily MindTap Assignments: Fully engaged participation in the course is expected. Each module will have a series of assigned MindTap activities. Use the Learning activities (Ready!, Learn it!) to learn the concepts and then use the Application activities (Practice it!, Use it! Got it!) to practice, develop and refine your language proficiency. The activities can be completed on any Internet-enabled computer with speakers/headphones, including in the HSS Language Labs. Completing all of the activities will give you the greatest amount of practice in the language. However, we understand that students learn differently and enter the class with different skill sets. You will receive full credit for each module's activities if you complete the activities ACCORDING TO the course schedule and if you earn at least 80% for all activities. Up to two lowest module MindTap scores will be dropped depending on the chapas that you earn. (see Chapas & Make-up work). (Note: punctuation is graded.) Completing and learning from the exercises is as important as the scores you receive. Once you have submitted your answers and received the correct answers, take time to compare and make notes for more in depth learning. You are responsible for meeting all deadlines for all class material starting with the first day of class, regardless of when you register for the course. If you do lose your home/office/apartment internet connection, the Cengage Mobile app can be used to complete most MindTap and other course assignments. If you are having a technical issue with MindTap, please inform your GTA and then visit the Cengage Support Services Portal for troubleshooting help, including Live Chat. You can also create a support ticket by phone by calling 1-800-354-9706.

  7. General class procedure:
    • Ensure that your browser is authenticated into your NCSU Google account. Review this web page first if you are having trouble accessing the course resources.
    • Work through each day's module by first studying the assigned eTextbook pages and then preparing and completing activities using Mindtap on your own computer in your dorm room/home, in a lab on campus, or elsewhere. (Please note the technology requirements below and test your computing environment using the first module and by completing activities via Mindtap.)
    • Complete and submit the assigned activities via Mindtap, as indicated in the module, including Mindtap activities assigned as paired activities completed with your course mate.
    • Also, watch the accompanying module videos, and when the instructors assign you tasks, ask you questions, etc., participate fully as if you were in the classroom.
    • Complete the course projects as assigned in the course schedule.
    • Take the chapter exams on one of the two days scheduled.
    • Take the comprehensive final exam according to the course schedule.
  8. Recordings: There will be a series of specific solo and multi-student recorded activities (~45 total) that you will complete on your own or with your course mate. These activities provide a focused opportunity for you to further develop your speaking and listening skills. The activities are outlined in the daily module and are accessed, recorded and submitted through MindTap. When there are three or more multi-student recordings assigned for a module, you need only choose two of those assigned activities to complete in order to receive full credit. (See this link for procedural help.) Up to two lowest module recording scores will be dropped depending on the chapas that you earn. (See Make-up work).

  9. Projects / Oral Assessment: There will be a series of tri-weekly (or weekly during summer sessions) projects assigned during the course of the semester. These projects are accessible from the course moodle by clicking on "Project 1", "Project 2", etc., in the Projects column. These assignments will be conversations in Spanish with your GTA. The projects are assigned as indicated on the course schedule. They are due according to the due date indicated in each project description. Scores are determined by their being completed by the due date and according to the rubric for each project.

  10. Testing: Each module will include a quiz that will be one of the Practice it! or Got it! activities assigned in the module. You will be given three attempts; your score will come from your best attempt. If you miss a daily quiz you earn a "0" for that quiz. Up to the two lowest quiz scores will be dropped at the end of the session/semester depending on the chapas that you earn. (See Make-up work). Chapter exams will concentrate on the current chapters but of necessity include material from all previous chapters. An expectation sheet is provided for each exam. The lowest chapter exam score may be dropped at the end of the session/semester if you earn the necessary chapas. The Final Exam is comprehensive, and administered according to the information on the course schedule. Please review and add to your calendar the exam dates found in the course schedule. All five exams taken through Moodle using a proctorr. Proctoring and test slot scheduling is managed by Delta Testing Services. On-campus/local students take the tests at Centennial Campus Testing only (Monday - Thursday 8:30am - 7:00pm, Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm). Students who live out of the area will arrange with Delta Testing Services to take tests with an approved proctor using Examity. If an emergency arises that might cause you to miss an exam, contact the instructor immediately to see if other arrangements can be made. Schedule all of your exams now in order to avoid issues later.

  11. TA Café: There will be bi-weekly Zoom sessions with the course GTAs. This is an optional opportunity to ask questions, review your homework, discuss/practice grammar points, practice your Spanish conversation skills, review concepts or have brief, respectful discussions about cultural elements or social concerns. Keep in mind that active participation in the TA Café can earn you a chapa. Students earning lower than a C+ are expected to attend the TA Café sessions to review recent assignments and exams in order to determine  necessary changes in order to improve learning

  12. Make-up Work: Given the relatively flexible nature of the schedule, any assignments (including MindTap, exams, projects, etc.) not completed/submitted by the due date/time will not be accepted. However, as indicated above, several low scores for several course components will be dropped based on specific chapas that you earn. Plan ahead for problems, including planned maintenance outages with MindTap. Do not wait until the last minute to complete assignments, projects, homework or the exams; assume that you will have technical problems from time to time; assume that everything may not go as you expect. Plan ahead for possible Internet outages by identifying alternative sites such as the university, public libraries, Starbucks, Panera, McDonald's. Losing your primary Internet source is not an excuse for not completing your work on time. If you experience a significant, unplanned extenuating life event (e.g. immediate-family death, hospitalization, COVID-19) that might negatively affect your ability to meet the posted deadlines, contact the instructor immediately. (See the NCSU attendance regulation 02.20.03 for additional information.) You may be instructed to fill out an absence verification form here: go.ncsu.edu/absence. Any excused work not made up within a week of returning to class participation will not be accepted.

  13. Grades: Click on the GRADES link at the top of this page to check your current standing in the course. Your grades are posted using a PIN/ID # assigned by the instructor. Information on how to obtain your PIN is provided as part of Module 1. This PIN will show up in the "PIN" column; your corresponding grades will be to the right of your PIN. (CTRL+F to find your PIN.) You can track your progress through the course Moodle.

  14. Email Etiquette: Use your NCSU e-mail account exclusively. Use e-mail judiciously. Refer to the Contact List to know who is responsible for each element of the course. If you have a question, before sending an e-mail to the professors or GTA's, first look for the answer in the course syllabus. Include "FLS101-601" in the subject line, along with the specific assignment type listed ("FLS 101-601 Exam #2 question", etc.), so that your work will be directed to the appropriate e-mail folder and not to the spam folder. Begin your e-mail with "Sra. Despain", "Srta. Smith," etc. Be courteous. Use your first and last name to sign your e-mail. Create an e-mail folder/gmail tag in which to store a copy of all correspondence for this course through the end of the semester. Course instructors do not check e-mail on Sunday, and only occasionally on Saturday. Text messages are not answered.

  15. Credit Only / Audit / Incomplete: Students taking the course as Credit-only, must earn a 70% or higher to pass the course with an "S". Conversion from letter grading to credit only (S/U) grading is subject to university deadlines. Students auditing the course complete everything but the hourly and final exams, and must earn 70% or higher for a grade of "AU". A grade of "Incomplete" is only given per university policy. Note: If you plan to meet graduation requirements using Spanish courses, you must successfully complete this course for credit in order to take FLS102.

  16. Honor Code: Regardless of discipline, honest and rigorous scholarship is at the foundation of a Research I institution. All instructors of foreign languages at NC State take very seriously the principle of academic integrity. (See sections 7-13 of the Code of Student Conduct, accessible from the web site of the Office of Student Conduct.) You are expected to have read the entire NCSU Code of Student Conduct. You and your instructor will follow both the spirit and letter of that code. When you submit any assignment you are attesting to the fact that "This is my work; I did not receive any unauthorized assistance in completing this assignment." The copying or sharing of answers under any circumstances, or looking at another student's work during a test or quiz is a violation of the code. Tests and other assignments are to be completed without assistance from any outside source. Submit your own work. Do not copy someone or something else's answers in or out of the classroom. Do not seek unauthorized help from those outside the class. Do not use online translators (e.g. Google Translate or similar), a teacher's edition, etc. Please see important, additional departmental policies here, including policies dealing with the textbook. Finally read this recent letter from the Office of Student Conduct. A violation of the code will result in our submitting a RAIV with a minimum recommended sanction of academic integrity probation and a score of "0" on the item, or more likely a '0" for the course, along with additional sanctions.

  17. Accommodations for Disabilities: Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. In order to take advantage of available accommodations, students must register with the Disability Resource Office at Holmes Hall, Suite 304, 2751 Cates Avenue, Campus Box 7509, 919-515-7653. For more information on NC State’s policy on working with students with disabilities, please see the Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Regulation (REG02.20.01). Students with diagnosed disabilities schedule an appointment with the professor during the first week of classes to discuss academic accommodations. This student/professor meeting occurs after the professor receives official documentation from the DRO. Depending on which accommodations are needed, they are managed either by the course instructors or DRO.

  18. Adverse Weather/Internet Issues: Typically adverse weather will not affect this online course. Read the Adverse Weather policy for more information. Check e-mail, media outlets, the NCSU home page, or call 919-513-8888 for the latest information. Plan ahead for possible Internet outages by identifying alternative Internet sources; losing your primary Internet source is not an excuse for not completing your work on time. Again, if you do lose your home/office/apartment internet connection, the Cengage Mobile app can be used to complete most MindTap and other course assignments.

  19. Foreign Characters / Accents: The written work you submit must include all the appropriate commas and periods, diacritical marks (tildes and stress marks), upside down question marks and exclamation marks. These are all essential elements of the written language. There are a number of options available to do this on your computer and they can be found by visiting the Foreign Characters page.

  20. Tutoring: In addition to using your GTA, visit the FLL department's tutoring page for tutoring options, including computer-based tools.

  21. Library Support: All distance education students have full library privileges. A reference librarian is available by phone, e-mail, and chat to help you with searches; a vast array of electronic resources is available from off-campus through the library's web site; and free document and book delivery is extended to distance education students. Visit the libraries distance web page for more information.

  22. NC State University Policies, Regulations and Rules: Students are responsible for reviewing the PRRs which pertain to their course rights and responsibilities. These include: http://policies.ncsu.edu/policy/pol-04-25-05 (Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Policy Statement), http://oied.ncsu.edu/oied/policies.php (Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity), http://policies.ncsu.edu/policy/pol-11-35-01 (Code of Student Conduct), http://policies.ncsu.edu/regulation/reg-02-50-03 (Grades and Grade Point Average), https://policies.ncsu.edu/regulation/reg-02-20-15 (Credit-Only Courses) and https://policies.ncsu.edu/regulation/reg-02-20-04 (Audits).

  23. Technology Summary: Course requires 1-2 hours in the fall/spring and 4-5 hours in the summer sessions of daily access to a computer with camera and microphone and a reliable, high-speed broadband Internet connection; ability to view YouTube video (class modules), access to MindTap via the Internet (lab/workbook activities), and Zoom ("face-to-face" course meet/greet, and projects with GTA). If you are having a technical issue with MindTap, please inform the instructor and also create a support ticket by calling 1-800-354-9706 or visiting https://cengageportal.secure.force.com/Support.

  24. MindTap Technology Issues: From time to time we experience technical issues with MindTap. Please do your work early so that you don't bump up against the deadlines. When you run into technical issues, do your best to resolve them. If needed, follow these steps:  
    1. Clear your cache and cookies, and try a different browser. If the problem persists:
    2. Take a screenshot of the activity or error message.
    3. Do all of the following:
        a.Contact 24/7 tech support and submit a support ticket, Cengage Support Services Portal;
        b.Talk to a rep in person at 1-800-354-9706, to work to resolve the issue;
        c. Email our local Cengage Representative, Alexis.cortez@cengage.com.
    4. Contact profesora Despain (jhdespai@ncsu.edu) to provide documentation of #1, #2, and #3.
    5. You can track a Cengage/MindTap outage here: https://techcheck.cengage.com/.

  25. Supporting Fellow Students: As members of the NC State Wolfpack community, we each share a personal responsibility to express concern for one another and to ensure that this virtual classroom and the campus as a whole remain a safe environment for learning. Occasionally, you may come across a fellow classmate whose personal behavior concerns or worries you. When this is the case, I would encourage you to report this behavior to the NC State CARES website: https://prevention.dasa.ncsu.edu/nc-state-cares/about/. Although you may report anonymously, it is preferred that you share your contact information so they can follow-up with you personally.

  26. Expected Workload: While there is flexibility in the course (at a minimum 24 hours to complete specific assignments) this online course is not self-paced; all assignments have due dates in order to keep you on task and facilitate your success. As with a seated section, plan to spend 9-12 hours/week on the course during the regular semester, and 25-30 hours/week during a summer session. You may need to spend more or less time depending on your ability with the material and the score you wish to earn.

  27. Electronically-hosted Materials: Students may be required to disclose personally identifiable information to other students in the course, via electronic tools like e-mail or web postings, where relevant to the course. Examples include online discussions of class topics, and posting of student coursework. All students are expected to respect the privacy of each other by not sharing or using such information outside the course.

  28. Bias Reporting: The OIED Bias Impact Response team offers a system and processes that invite NC State students, faculty and staff to document and proactively address the impacts of bias-related incidents, behaviors, and actions. To learn more or to submit a report, please visit https://diversity.ncsu.edu/bias-impact or email bias_impact@ncsu.edu.

  29. Scope: This course is limited in scope. If you have individual interests not direclty treated in the course (e.g. profession-specific vocabulary, personal pronoun variances, region-specific dialects) please reach out to the instructor for additional resources.