UNC Teaching and Learning with Technology 2004
Electronic Portfolio Development
Home > Project > Transcribe  

Proyecto #14 (PR-14)

  • TAREA: (Note: expected time to finish each portion is included in parenthesis; your time may vary)
    • Digitizar la grabación (10 minutos)
      1. AT HOME - For an audio/video tape recording, connect your tape recorder to your computer's sound card, using a computer speaker cable to connect from the headphone jack of the tape recorder to the microphone jack of the computer sound card. Using sound recording software make an MP3 file of your interview. FTP it to your WWW web space.
      2. IN THE LAB - Ask the lab attendants to help you digitize your recording as an MP3 file and save it in your WWW space.
    • Añadir la grabación a la página (2 minutos)
      1. EDIT your project web page.
      2. CLICK on the LINK icon
      3. In the "Type the file or webpage name" section insert the name of your file, such as "informant.mp3"
      4. CLICK on OK.
    • Preparar la transcripción fonémica (o fonética) de la grabación usando una de muchas opciones. Solamente se necesita transcribir unas tres líneas del día típico, pero las siete oraciones. (# de minutos varía mucho)
      • If using Word as your web page editor ...
        1. Use the Word document IPA.DOC as your source for creating your phonemic transcription of the recording (both the "día típico" and the 7 phrases. You will be using several variant phoneme and allophone symbols due to Word's limitations.
        2. After completing your transcriptions, COPY and PASTE them into your web page
      • If using a Unicode-based web editor you will be able to find most of the characters you need using one of the sources below
      • If using WordPerfect to create your transcriptions ...
        • Use the WordPerfect file IPA.WPD to create your transcriptions (save it in your WWW space). This WP file has the necessary characters to allow you to create all of your phonemes including the sinalefa
          1. Once you finish, save your phonemic transcription in your WWW space but don't close the document.
        • Preparar una imagen de la transcripción (5 minutos)
          1. Take a screen shot of your transcription by holding down the left ALT key and pressing once on the PrntScrn key.
          2. Open the Paint program (CLICK on START and RUN and enter "mspaint", then click on OK)
          3. Paste your screenshot into Paint (CTRL + V)
          4. Edit your screen shot so that only your transcription appears.
          5. Save your file in your web space as a "jpg" image.
          6. Close WordPerfect
        • Añadir la transcripción a la página (2 minutos)
          1. Return to editing your page
          2. Insert your transcription image file into your page (CLICK on INSERT and PICTURE and FROM FILE, then browse to the file in your WWW space, then click on INSERT)
          3. Close your page
  • ENTREGAR: Nada
  • CUANDO: Lunes, 24 de noviembre, 5 p.m
  • NOTE: Toda su página tiene que estar escrita en español.