Proyecto #11 (PR-11)
- Añadir una sección de "Mis problemas fonológicos" a
su página.
- Open the WWW directory on your K drive.
- Right-click on the "index.html" file and choose EDIT.
- Insert a table into your page by clicking on the table icon
creating a one-celled table.
- Inside the table list your specific Spanish phonetics problems
that you have noticed that you have as we have moved through Chapter
7. (It may no longer be a problem for you.) In addition, include
specific steps you have taken to resolve the problem.
- ENTREGAR: Envíame la URL por correo electrónico,
con el sujeto: "Proyecto 11, Apellido, Nombre"
- CUANDO: Viernes, 31 de octubre, 5 PM
- NOTE: Toda su página tiene que estar escrita en español.