UNC Teaching and Learning with Technology 2004
Electronic Portfolio Development
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Proyecto #11 (PR-11)

  • TAREA:
    • Añadir una sección de "Mis problemas fonológicos" a su página.
      1. Open the WWW directory on your K drive.
      2. Right-click on the "index.html" file and choose EDIT.
      3. Insert a table into your page by clicking on the table icon and creating a one-celled table.
      4. Inside the table list your specific Spanish phonetics problems that you have noticed that you have as we have moved through Chapter 7. (It may no longer be a problem for you.) In addition, include specific steps you have taken to resolve the problem.
  • ENTREGAR: Envíame la URL por correo electrónico, con el sujeto: "Proyecto 11, Apellido, Nombre"
  • CUANDO: Viernes, 31 de octubre, 5 PM
  • NOTE: Toda su página tiene que estar escrita en español.