- TAREA: Publicar los datos preliminares en cuanto a su presentación
final (véase Proyecto #9) en su página
- ENTREGAR: Envíeme la dirección (url) por correo
- CUANDO: Viernes, 24 de octubre, 5 PM
A: Create your web space. (Follow
the steps below to create a folder for your web space, and give
other users rights to see the contents of that folder. Complete
these steps only if you have not created a web page before in
your UNITY space.)
- Double-click on "My Computer"
- Right click on the K drive ("YourUnityName on ...")
- Click on "AFS" and choose "Access control lists
- Click on " Add"
- Under PERMISSIONS, select the "l" for Lookup
- In the NAME section, enter "system:anyuser"
- Click on OK.
- Click on "OK" again.
- Double-click on the K Drive
- Select FILE and NEW and FOLDER, then name the folder "www"
- Right click on the "www" folder you just created
- Click on "AFS" and choose "Access control lists
- Click on the "system:anyuser" entry you created in step
- Under PERMISSIONS, select "r" for "Read".
- Click on OK.
- Click on "OK" again.
B: Create a basic home page. (Follow the steps below to copy
a template page and save it in your web space to create a home
page. Complete thse steps only if you have not created a web
page before in your UNITY space.)
- Using Internet Explorer, Netscape, etc., browse here to
view a sample web page.
- Select FILE and SAVE AS and then save the file in your WWW directory
you created, with the name "index.html"
C: Edit your home page, by pasting your emailed info into your
page and saving your changes.
- Using your emailer of choice, read your copy of the email you sent
to me for project 9
- Select/Highlight the country information in the email message
- Select EDIT and COPY
- Open your WWW directory
- Right click on the "index.html" file and choose EDIT
- Select EDIT and PASTE to paste in your copied country information
- Make other changes to your page as desired
- Click on FILE and SAVE
D: Browse to your home page and then send me the URL
- Your home page is http://www4.ncsu.edu/~YourUnityUserID/
- Email me your URL (http://www4.ncsu.edu/~YourUnityUserID/), with "Proyecto
10, LastName-FirstName" as the subject line.
NOTE: Once you
have completed steps A & B you can edit your files at home or
- Using Internet
Explorer 5.5 or higher, browse
to the following URL: ftp://YourUnityID@ftp.ncsu.edu/
- Drag the
file you want to edit (ie. index.html) from the browser window
to your desktop.
- Edit the
file (right-click and EDIT using Netscape Composer, Dreamweaver,
etc.) and then SAVE and CLOSE.
- Drag the
file back to the browser window, along with any images or image
directories created during the edit process.
- If you are
using a program which supports fpt'ing of files (Dreamweaver, older
version of Netscape), the server for your UNITY space is ftp.ncsu.edu
and your username is your UnityUserID