The Wolfpack Model
- The Essentials
- Intended Audience (Beginners, 220, MWF)
- Other options
- Departmental Resources (Professor, TA's)
- Location (Roomy, Full Technology, Mic's)
- In-class (Perform, negotiate meaning, test, microteach)
- Out-of-class (Prepare,
software, tutorials)
- Testing (Quizzes, tests, oral, final)
- (White Paper)
- TA ownership
- Sociocultural LearningTheory
- - Lev Vigotsky
- - ZPD
- - Scaffolding and experts
- - False beginners
- Affective Filter
- Costs to the department
- Costs to the TA's
- Costs to the university
- Curriculum Safeguards (Eagan/Jaeger paper)
- The Rassias Method
- TA Training
- First semester
- Second semester
- Third and fourth semesters
- Weekly training/review meetings
- Micro teaching
- Exam preparation and grading
- Honor code enforcement and confrontations
- Technician Articles