OFD Workshop Series 2011


Project Development HistoryApple

  • Disclaimer ...
  • Traditional Delivery Paradigm
    • One instructor per section
    • Relatively small class size
    • Instructor one-on-one with all/each student
    • Instructor + discussion sections
    • The Rassias Method
  • Previous Study in Culture Class - Teaching the Masses
  • Previous Study in FLS101 - 1996-1997
  • Purposes for the Paradigm Shift
    • Space and Scheduling Issues
    • TA support
    • TA Training
    • Articulation across sections
    • Budget and cost savings
  • Discussions
    • Impact on student achievement and proficiency
    • Space and scheduling (days, discussion groups ...)
    • Curriculum safeguards (Eagan/Jaeger paper)
    • Impact on budget
    • Impact on instructor corps
    • Impact on MA program
    • Limitations and committments
