Catalog Description:  Listening and speaking; development of a balanced foundation in all Spanish language skills. Idiomatic, everyday Spanish and cultural awareness. Class practice, laboratory and written homework.

FLS101 Elementary Spanish I
Spring 2009 - INTERNET

Instructor Information
Scott & Jennifer Despain
Office, MWF, 7:30-8 AM | MW, 10:15-11 AM
Course Information
Elementary Spanish 1
Grading Scale:
  A- 90-92.9%

Point System:
Final Exam
Lab Manual (Quia)
Workbook (Quia)
Projects/Oral Assessment
Paired Activities

  1. MODULES: Daily learning modules are posted by 8 AM on Monday and Thursday of each week. Each learning module will walk you through a set of learning activities that will include textbook preparation, web casts, textbook activities, etc. You are encouraged to complete the module components with your coursemate, when possible and appropriate. (You select your coursemate during the Introductory Meeting or afterward through the coursemate's link.) If you do not complete the activities for a particular module you earn a "0" for that day/module. Work from the previous module and its associated actvities (lab manual, workbook, etc.) must be completed by the time the new module is posted.You are responsible for all class material starting with the first day of class, regardless of when you register for the course!! The video format is Windows Media. You need to have the Windows Media Player 10.x or equivalent to view the webcasts. Visit to update your player as needed.
  2. DAILY ASSIGNMENTS/PARTICIPATION: To properly participate and earn a "10" for each module (day of class), you are expected to actively read each page of the text as indicated on the syllabus, and prepare each activity as needed (orally, written out, etc.) in order to complete the activities during the associated web casts (and if possible with your coursemate). If you encounter an activity that proves problematic, please contact us via email. Each module will include opportunities for individual, pair, and large group work, and you are encouraged to actively participate at all times during the web casts. Daily participation is expected, evaluated and recorded through quizzes and homework submissions submitted via email. Based on Item #1 above, the two lowest daily participation scores will be dropped. Each absence after 2 will result in a 1% deduction from the final grade. Approximately half of the daily modules include a quiz which you submit via email; the remaining half of the modules require the submission of specific homework exercises via email. When a particular module is is no longer active on the schedule, submissions for that day are no longer accepted. NOTE: When you submit the quiz or submission you are stating that you have in fact completed all of the material for the module, per the honor code. Be sure to use "FLS101-601" as part of the subject line, and be sure to include your name on each email. Please view the Academic Integrity video from Delta.
  3. TESTING: Quizzes (pop or otherwise) will be over material assigned for the day, week, etc. They are timed and simple. They are intended principally to encourage you to have all the activities prepared prior to viewing the web cast portions of the daily modules. Have your email program running when you begin watching the webcasts. For approximately half of the class sessions, at one point or another in the webcasts I will state that we are about to have a quiz. Have your homework already to go, so that when I say, "The quiz is Activity 1-16, items 1-10", etc., you can type your answers for the quiz into an email message and send it to me before time is up. You do not pause the webcast while completing your quizzes (see Honor Code). If you miss a daily quiz you earn a "0" for that quiz, and a zero for participation for that module. The two lowest quiz scores will be dropped. Hourly tests will concentrate on the current chapters but of necessity include material from all previous chapters. They will be administered on campus at 7:00 AM on the days indicated on the course schedule. Hourly tests can be proctored if you have special circumstances. An expectation sheet will be provided for each exam for the latest information on location, parking, etc. The Final Exam will be the comprehensive FLS101 departmental final exam, administered on the date/time indicated on the course schedule. It may be proctored in exceptional circumstances.
  4. MAKE-UP WORK: In general, we do not accept late work (see #1, #2 and #3). You must complete each assignment as indicated on the course schedule. You are able to complete each module for a particular day as long as the module is available as a link. Once the module is no longer accessible you cannot submit work for that day. Plan ahead for problems, do not wait until the last minute to complete assignments and homework, assume that you will have technical problems from time to time, and assume that everything will not go as planned.
  5. PAIRED ACTIVITIES: There will be a series of specific activities from the textbook that you will complete with your coursemate; you are to submit one report per pair via email, as indicated/assigned on the course schedule. (Click here to see the current coursemate list.)
  6. QUIA WORKBOOK & LAB MANUAL: Your textbook package includes a Quia trifold. You find your Quia Book Key in the trifold. This gives you online access to both the Lab Manual exercises (listening comprehension) and the Workbook exercises (writing) through Quia ( View the Quia Account Instructions if you need help setting up your Quia account. The course code is DPGDXA996. Both sets of exercises are to be completed according to the course schedule. The exercises can be completed in the CHASS Language Labs, or on any Internet-enabled computer. They are to be completed according to the course schedule. Your grade for both sets of activities will be based on their being completed ACCORDING to the schedule, TIME SPENT in completing the exercises (the more time, the better the grade), and your earning at least an 80% for each activity, after resubmissions. If you are having trouble finding the Lab Manual and/or the Workbook exercises see the Quia Help Page. Note: The Quia exercises default to the Workbook section; click on the chapter name (e.g. Capítulo P) in the breadcrumbs section of the page to choose the "Workbook" or "Lab Manual" activities.
  7. PROJECTS / ORAL ASSESSMENT: There will be a series of weekly projects assigned during the course of the semester. These projects are accessible from the course schedule, by clicking on "Week 1", "Week 2", etc. These assignments will include WWW work, geography, submission of voice samples, and grammar tutorials. The projects are due as indicated on the course schedule and scores will be determined by their being completed according to the course schedule, and their completeness. In addition, there will be a culminating oral assessment at the conclusion of the course during which you will have a conversation with the professor.
  8. GENERAL: We will practice and develop all five language skills: speaking, listening, writing, reading and culture. Due to the nature of the course, in addition to viewing the webcasts, you will be expected to complete a significant amount of work on your own and with your coursemate. Being successful in this course requires self discipline. Please review the Self Discipline page and video from Delta.
  9. HONOR CODE: You and the instructor will follow both the spirit and letter of the NCSU Code of Student Conduct. You will have the opportunity to attest to this in writing upon several occasions. Although you must complete and turn in your own work, you are encouraged to work with others in completing and preparing the course assignments (quizzes and tests being the principal exceptions). However, the copying or sharing of answers, from another student or from an answer key, etc., is not WORKING together and is in violation of the honor code. During testing, looking at another student's test/quiz is also in violation of the honor code. Please view the Code of Conduct video from Delta.
  10. DISABILITIES: Students with diagnosed disabilities schedule an appointment with the professor at the beginning of the semester to discuss academic accommodations. This student/professor meeting occurs after the professor receives official documentation from the DSS office. Students without official documentation need to register in Suite 1900, Student Health Center. (See current NC State Policy, DSO site, or call 5-7653, voice; 5-8830, tty.). Students with particular learning styles/needs should inform the instructor at the beginning of the course.
  11. ADVERSE WEATHER: Typically adverse weather will not affect this distance course. Read the complete adverse weather policy for more info. Check email, news, the NCSU home page, or call 513-8888 for the latest information.
  12. TUTORING: Students who feel a need for a tutor may contact the Undergraduate Tutorial Center, 1005K Ricks Hall Annex.
  13. LIBRARY SUPPORT: All distance education students have full library privileges. A reference librarian is available by phone, email, and chat to help you with searches; a vast array of electronic resources is available from off-campus through the library's web site; and free document and book delivery is extended to distance education students. Visit the libraries distance web page for more information.
  14. MORE INFORMATION: There is more university-wide course policy information available at the Provost's site.
  15. GRADES: Click on the GRADES link at the top of this page to check your current standing in the course. Your grades are posted using a PIN assigned by the instructor. Information on how to obtain your PIN is provided during the Introductory Meeting (live or the archived webcast). This PIN will show up in the "Comments" column; your corresponding grades will be to the left of your PIN. (CTLR+F to find your PIN.) Download the FLS101 GradeSheet to track your course scores.
  17. PlazasTextbook package. Required: Plazas textbook, Heinle & Heinle, 3rd Edition, 2008 (includes two textbook audio CD's).
    Required: One Quia book key pamphlet for the online Lab Manual & Workbook. The ISBN for the complete package is 9781428209923, and it can be purchased at the NCSU Bookstore, Packbackers, Addam's or via the Internet. Used textbooks are also available, but be sure they include the two audio CD's before you buy. If buying a used Plazas 3rd edition textbook, you can purchase the Quia book key for the Plazas 3rd edition Workbook/Lab Manual directly from