More FLS101 Questions From Your Fellow Students

  1. Class
    1. Do you have any advice about how to study Spanish? How do I build a vocabulary in the language?
    2. I just added the class. Is there anything I need to make up?
    3. I need some help in the class and was wondering about tutoring?
    4. I am still a little confused on what is homework and what is due before each class. So MindTap will be due on the day it is assigned. Is the textbook reading part of homework as well or is that what we will cover in class?
    5. When we read the assigned pages in the textbook are we supposed to do the practice work on those pages (P-1 etc.) or are we just supposed to read them.
    6. I am trying to figure out how to get my pin so I can check my grades.  Can you help?

  2. MindTap
    1. I ordered the loose-leaf option for the textbook but it is on've made my Cengage account. What is our course code for MindTap? 
    2. I have heard from several people that the MindTap activities are just to be completed before the next upcoming test.
    3. I got started on MindTap and was doing a problem set where I have to write in the answers.  I put all right answers but the computer told me it was wrong even though they matched up.  The only thing that I can think of is that I did not have the mark above some of the letters.
    4. I had a question about MindTap. When I have to type in words for an answer how do I add the accents to the letters? I tried just typing it regular (como te llamas) but it counted it wrong because I was missing the accents.
    5.  I was wondering how you put accent marks on the vowels?
    6. I seem to be having trouble finding out when all of the MindTap assignments are due.
    7. I'm very confused about the scoring for our MindTap activities.
    8. On my MindTap, I have submitted P-10 but the grade shows a 0% score. What should I do?
    9. I missed a MindTap assignment, so what do I do? - Complete the late assignment work now. You may or may not receive some credit, but you will have learned what you were supposed by completing the exercises, thereby helping you to be better prepared going forward.

  3. Textbook
    1. I have the third edition of the textbook because I thought that was what you had said. Do I need the 3rd or 4th edition?
    2. Is the textbook [for this class the same one] that we will use for further Spanish classes.

  4. Placement
    1. I had trouble finding the building where the placement test is given. Where do I find that?
    2. I previously took one year of Spanish 1 in high school but do not remember much at all. My advisor told me to start with this class considering my circumstances and to not take the placement test.  Can I stay in this course or would you recommend taking the placement test?
    3. I studied Spanish several years ago/My advisor told me not to/I need a refresher... so I have not taken the placement exam.

  5. Listening Comprehension.
    1. I stuggle with being able to understand what is being said in class and on the exams. Do you have suggestions?