Ayer ...
- Al empezar... La memoria

- Los objetivos de hoy. Be able to:
- Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the course syllabus and schedule
- Say hello to someone
- Carry on a brief conversation
- Say goodbye
- Recognize which are formal and informal situations
- Do #2-4 in both formal and informal situations
- La prueba...
- ¡Mucho gusto!
- Los objetivos del capítulo ...
- Plazas
- Los objetivos del curso ...
- El vocabulario esencial - MindTap eBook
- Saludar, conversar y despedirse
- Formal

- Informal

- ¡Mucho gusto!
1. --¿____________ eres?
--Soy de Orlando.
2. --¿____________ estás?
--Bastante bien.
3. --¿____________ usted?
--____________ Rosario Vargas. ¿Y________________?
--Me llamo Manuel Ramos.
- Grupos de dos ...
- A saludar ...
- 5 minutos de preguntas
- I just wanted to confirm the homework that was assigned. I created a Cengage account but i wasn't sure what you meant by "P.1-P.6" in the Mindtap column. The legend
- Do you expect the class to bring in written homework from the book, or just have the assignments online finished?
- I know the syllabus says electronic devices are to silenced and stowed (not left in my lap). Can I use my tablet to access the book during class?
- I studied Spanish before, but I didn't take the placement test. I know this is where I need to be. Do I really need to take it? Answer
- This course is not showing up in my Moodle. Where can I find the syllabus? Answer
- i believe there is an error on the answers ... when i type mexico it is counted as wrong. IS there something I am doing wrong? Answer
- I can't see the posted grades. It says I don't have access?
- What do I do if I don't have the textbook? (it will arrive this coming Tuesday.)
- How many times can I attempt the activities?
- Do accent marks matter? How about punctuation? depósito vs deposito vs depositó
- Notas lingüísticas
- C/F «Chao» or «chau» means "Goodbye, and I don't expect to see you again right away."
- When making a delcarative statement, the voice ________ on the second-to-last syllable.
- C/F In Spanish Ud. is pronounced "ood"
- When asking a yes/no question in Spanish, the voice ________ on the second-to-last syllable.
- What can you tell us about nos vemos, hasta luego, and chao?
- Frases importantes y esenciales
- How do you say the following word/words in Spanish ...?
¿Cómo se dice?
- I don't understand some or most of what you just said to me.
- Please speak more slowly so that I can better understand what you are saying.
Más despacio.
- Please repeat the last thing that you said to me because I didn't really hear or understand the first time.
Repite, por favor.
- What does the following phrase mean? ________________
¿Qué significa _________________
- It's your turn.
Te toca.
- It's my turn.
Me toca.
- ¿A ver? - Nota lingüística: When you ask questions in Spanish the voice tone rises on the last syllable of the last word in the question. Or does it? The voice tone falls on the last syllable of the last word in a statement. Let's check it out:
- ¿Te llamas Ana?
- ¿Usted es profesora?
- ¿Cómo está Pablo?
- ¿Cómo se llama?
- Soy profesora.
- Soy profesor.
- Muy bien, gracias.
- Nos vemos.
- Un mapa
y y 
- P-3 Los estudiantes internacionales - ¿Como se llama? De dónde es? ¿Cuando?
Nombre de pila |
País |
Hora de la llamada |
Mariano |
México |
a.m. p.m. ¿?AM |
a.m. p.m. ¿? |
a.m. p.m. ¿? |
y y 
- Un minuto (central, útil, significativo, sorprendente, alarmante)
- Y mañana ... 005-007 y Mindtap P.7-P.12
la bellota, la nuez, la semilla, el roble, subir, bajar