- I took Spanish in High School, but it [was a while ago]. Is the placement exam required? I am debating whether or not to take it.
- I took the placement exam at orientation; I was wondering if I need to take it again?
- I placed into FLS110. Why would I want to take FLS110?
- I was reviewing the syllabus [and the information about] placement into FLS 101. I originally placed into 110 ... but did not feel as if I were ready for that class. I emailed my advisor and asked if I could start over with 101 and she said yes. Is this okay or do I need to change back to 110?
- My Spanish placement test shows a score of 293. I placed into FLS 102. I am hoping to be able to stay in the FLS 101 course because I really did not know a lot of the questions on the placement test and I could benefit from starting with more of the basics. Is this alright?
- Do I receive graduation credit for FLS101?
- Immediately following fall break [I have the possibility of visiting the Maya ruins in Mexico from October 8 - 19]. After looking at the course schedule, [it would seem] I may not be able to attend. [What should I do?]
- My professor teaches back-to-back sections of the same class. On my way into class I ask a friend about the daily quiz. She tells me what to focus on for the likely, daily quiz. Is that a violation of the code of student conduct?
- I'm trying to register for Quia, but can't seem to find the course code to be able to finish registering. Can you point me in the right direction?
- I took the placement test at orientation but I do not have/remember my score. Do I need to retake the test?
- My professor teaches back-to-back sections of the same class. On my way out of class a friend asks about the likely, daily quiz. I tell him what to focus on. Is that a violation of the code of student conduct?
- I purchased my text book over the weekend and it's supposed to come in tomorrow. Is it a problem that I won't have my actual text book on the first day?
- I have been working on setting up my quia [but I don't have a course code. What should I do?]