About paper #2

The Assignment

Misunderstanding American politics. Based on what you have learned in PS 201 this semester, what would  you say is the most important concept for better understanding how government/politics works that is, in fact, widely misunderstood by the American public. Explain the reality of this concept versus how it is commonly misused/misunderstood.  You will need to cite research to make your case.  How might American democracy work better if more people actually properly understood this concept?  Lastly, consider what you might have gotten wrong in your argument. You are responsible for the complete details of the assignment at: http://faculty.chass.ncsu.edu/shgreene/PS201/AboutPaper2.htm.  Due November 17. 5 pages maximum.


Assignments will be graded according the following criteria. Your paper should address an issue/concept that was featured within lecture and/or related course material for PS 201. I am looking for you to show a clear understanding of the concept as well as a clear understanding of why the concept is commonly misunderstood. You will also need to make an argument as to how this misunderstanding hurts democracy and why we would be better of without this common misunderstanding.  You should rely significantly on outside sources to strengthen your argument. You will need to properly cite these sources within the text (not footnotes) and in a Works Cited page. The best sources will be mainstream publications and websites, not from overly-political sites (i.e., the White House, advocacy groups).  Your paper grade will depend, to a substantial degree, on the quality of your research about the chosen topic. Finally, an "A" paper should have the following properties: no typographical errors, no awkward sentences, and a clear, coherent, and focused argument.

Late Policy

It is expected that exams will be taken and assignments turned in when they are scheduled on the syllabus. There will be a 20-point penalty for failure to take an exam at the required time and a 1/3 letter grade per day penalty for written assignments. If you miss an exam, the re-scheduling must take place at the convenience of the instructor/teaching assistant. Written assignments are due at the beginning of class. To avoid penalties you need to let the instructor know of valid, exigent circumstances before the assigned time.

Helpful Links

  • Guidelines for all paper submissions
  • Guide to APA, MLA, and Chicago style for citations
  • Lexis-Nexis (search newspapers and magazines for information about issues)
  • Proquest Political Science database
  • Congressional Quarterly Researcher
  • NCSU Library Research Tools
  • NCSU Library Research Tutorials (very useful guide for writing a research paper)
  • NCSU Plagiarism guide
  • A nice guide to social science writing

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