Henry Greene (11/2/99)
Alexander Luke Greene (6/10/02)
James Greene (1/21/06)
Sarah Marie Greene (11/22/10)
March 2013 through May 2014
Evan at Topsail Island |
Alex at Topsail
Sarah with butterfly at NC Museum of Life & Science |
Evan and Sarah on the train at NCMLS
Sarah on the Eno River Park suspension bridg |
David and Evan at Sylvan Heights Bird Sanctuary
David with Topsail Sound behind him
Alex and Kim at Eno River State Park
Sarah with beloved Christmas presents
Sarah as a giraffe ballerina for Halloween
Evan as Indiana Jones |
Evan and I celebrating Christmas at Mammah's |
David at North Carolina Aquarium
Alex and his Special Olympics ribbons |
Sarah and Grandma at Easter
Alex on the train |
Evan on Christmas morning
Learn about Alex
and Tuberous Sclerosis
David, Alex, Evan, and Sarah Pictures
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