UNC Teaching and Learning with Technology 2005
Wimba: TeLL Us What You Think
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WIMBA server technology allows instructors and students to "seamlessly" interact with each other, both synchronously and asynchronously, using VoiceChats, VoiceEmail, VoiceBoards and VoiceAssessment. WIMBA was purchased for NCSU through a UNC eLearning grant in 2004. This presentation will demonstrate how the tools are administered and used for communication and assessment.


1. Wimba's EduVoice in a Nutshell Nutshell Link

2. Technical Requirements

3. Voice Chats

4. Voice Email

5. Voice Boards and Voice Presentations

6. Voice Assessment

7. Results and Issues

8. Conclusion and Discussion



Scott Despain is Associate Professor of Spanish at NC State University, and Executive Director of the CHASS Computing Labs (Harrellson & Laundry). He teaches both on and off-line courses at the undergraduate and graduate level. His research interests include technology-enhanced language learning, second language acquisition, courseware development and distance education.


Surface: Scott Despain, Campus Box 8106, Raleigh, NC 27695-8106, 919-513-2461
Email: despain@social.chass.ncsu.edu
URL: http://sasw.chass.ncsu.edu/fl/faculty/despain/
Wimba: http://www.horizonwimba.com/