Catalog Description: Listening and speaking; development of a balanced foundation in all Spanish language skills. Idiomatic, everyday Spanish and cultural awareness. Class practice, laboratory and written homework.
FLS101 Elementary Spanish I
Internet - Fall 1999

Course Information
FAQ's 1
Computer Activities
Paired Activities / LIST
FAQ's 2
Roster / Email
Spanish Chat
Live Feed Test

Instructor Information
Scott Despain
Home Page:
Laundry Building #209
 Office Hour: 
MWF 9:00-10:00 a.m.
Course Information
Course Name: 
Elementary Spanish I
Course Number: 
001 / 601
Course Location: 
Course Time: 
Arriba: The Works, 2nd
Course Home Page:
Point System
Hourly Exams
Final Exam
Workbook Exercises
Listening Comprehension / Oral
Computer Activities
Paired Activities
Grade Scale:
A+ 97-100% C+ 77-79.9%
A 93-96.9% C 73-76.9%
A- 90-92.9% C- 70-72.9%
B+ 87-89.9% D+ 67-69.9%
B 83-86.9% D 63-66.9%
B- 80-82.9% D- 60-62.9%
F 59.9-0%
  1. VIDEO/ATTENDANCE: Mandatory. You are allowed 3 absences, excused or unexcused. Inform the instructor before or after any absence. You will be able to view the class session live (MWF, 8:05 a.m.) or during the next 48 hours and prior to the next class session (ideally, with your course companion, whom you select using the course roster). Archives of previous class sessions will be made available approximately 2 weeks after the class session is originally broadcast. If you fail to view/participate in a class session you earn a "0" for the day. You are responsible for all class material starting with the first day of class, regardless of when you register for the course!! Each absence after 3 will result in a 1% deduction from the final grade.
  2. DAILY ASSIGNMENTS/PARTICIPATION: To properly participate and earn a "10" for each day of class, you are expected to actively read each page of the text as indicated on the syllabus, and prepare each activity as needed (orally, written out, etc.) in order to complete the activity during the class session with your class partner. If you encounter an activity that proves problematic, email me prior to the class session. Each class session will include opportunities for individual, pair, small and large group work. Daily participation is expected, evaluated and recorded through quizzes submitted via email. Based on Item #1 above, the three lowest daily participation scores will be dropped.
  3. TESTING: Quizzes (pop or otherwise) will be over material assigned for the day, week, etc. For quizzes, have your email program running when you begin watching the video. During the lecture I will say that we are about to have a quiz. Have your homework already to go, so that when I say, "The quiz is Activity 1-16, items 1-10", you can type that into an email message and send it to me before time is up and we start correcting it in class. They are timed and simple. Principally they are to encourage you to have everything prepared prior to class.If you miss a daily quiz you earn a "0" for that quiz. The two lowest quiz scores will be dropped. Hourly exams will concentrate on the current chapters but of necessity include material from all previous chapters. Internet students will be required to come to the Foreign Languages Technology Center electronic classroom during specific days/hours in order to take each exam. The Final Exam will be the comprehensive FLS101 departmental final exam. The written portion of the exam will be given as indicated on the syllabus. An additional session of 25 minutes will be required for the oral portion of the final exam.
  4. MAKE-UP WORK: Typically, there is no make-up work (see #1, #2 and #3). Emergencies and school-sponsored trips, etc., are handled on an individual basis. These types of absences are typically included in the 3 absences mentioned above.
  5. WRITTEN EXERCISES: Written workbook exercises in the workbook/lab manual are to be completed as indicated in the course schedule below. Your fellow students highly recommended that you complete the corresponding exercises in the workbook as the material is covered in each class session. Bring your workbook with you to be checked during each hourly exam.
  6. LISTENING COMPREHENSION / ORAL SKILLS: The computerized listening comprehension exercises (¡ARRIBA AUDIO 2.0!) are to be completed in the Foreign Language Technology Center or the HA362 Language Lab. Check the hours of operation and plan ahead. If necessary, there is also a CD available for purchase if you prefer to complete the exercises somewhere else other than in the labs. (Windows and a sound card are required. Contact the instructor for more information.) The exercises are due as indicated on the course schedule below. Each chapter's exercises are divided into two parts. You must spend a minimum of one 30-minute session to complete each of the two parts for each chapter (i.e. a minimum of two 30-minute sessions for each chapter).You will also submit several voice samples during the semester.
  7. COMPUTER ACTIVITIES: There will be a series of weekly computer assignments made during the semester. These assignments are accessible from the course schedule below by clicking on "Week 1", "Week 2", etc. These assignments will include WWW work, email, geography, and grammar tutorials. Part of the assignments must be completed in the Foreign Language Computer Lab, but a majority can be completed in other labs or at home. The exercises are due as indicated on the course schedule below.
  8. PAIRED ACTIVITIES: Paired activities in the main part of the text end with the letter "a" and have a corresponding part "b" in the appendix of the text. These activities are to be completed with another class member, with one report per pair to be submitted via email, as indicated/assigned on the course schedule below. (Click here to see the current course companion list.)
  9. GENERAL: We will practice and develop all five language skills: speaking, listening, writing, reading and culture. Due to the nature of the course, in addition to viewing the class sessions, you will be expected to complete a significant amount of work on your own and with other class members, outside of the classroom and in the Foreign Languages Technology Center.
  10. HONOR CODE: You and the instructor will follow both the spirit and letter of the NCSU Honor Code. You will have the opportunity to attest to this in writing upon several occasions. Although you must complete and turn in your own work, you are encouraged to work with others in completing and preparing the above assignments outside of class, as well as some activities during class time (quizzes and tests being the principal exceptions). However, the copying or sharing of answers in or out of the classroom, from another student or from an answer key, etc., is not WORKING together and is in violation of the honor code.
  11. DISABILITIES: Students with diagnosed disabilities inform the instructor at the beginning of the course using official documentation (See current NC State Policy). Students with particular learning styles/needs should inform the instructor at the beginning of the course.
  12. ADVERSE WEATHER: Listen to the radio, watch tv, read your email, or check NC State's home page to find out if classes will be cancelled.. Employees may call 513-8888. Read the complete adverse weather policy for more info.
  13. TUTORING: Students who feel a need for a tutor may contact the Undergraduate Tutorial Center, 147 Leazar Hall, 515-3163.
  14. MORE INFORMATION: There is more university-wide course policy information available at the Provost's site.


Live Click here to see a class in session, if availableClass?
Current Click here to see the most recent class sessionClass?






Arriba Audio


Week 1
Aug. 16
Day 01 - Introducción
Aug. 18
Day 02 - Saludos y despedidas y el alfabeto
Class Board Work - Vowels
Aug. 20
Day 03 - El alfabeto; los números
.1-1 - 1-5
Week 2
Aug. 23
Day 04 - La clase
Class Transparency - Elena's Home -Class Transparency - La clase
.AA 1, parte 1
1-6 - 1-9
Aug. 25
Day 05 - Pronunciación (syllabification / word stress); los artículos
Class Transparency - ¿Qué pasa?
1-18a / 1-19a
1-10 - 1-14
Aug. 27
Day 06 - Formas singulares y plurales
1-15 - 1-18
Week 3
Aug. 30
Day 07 - Síntesis; introducción a los países hispánicos; repaso
..AA 1, parte 2
.1-19 - 1-26
Sep. 01
 Chapter 1
Sep. 03
Day 08 - Descripciones; palabras interrogativas
Week 4
Sep. 06
Día feriado
Sep. 08
Day 09 - Subject prononuns, SER
2-1 - 2-5
Sep. 10
Day 10 - Formación de preguntas; negación
AA 2, parte 1
2-6 - 2-8
Week 5
Sep. 13
Día 11 - Vocabulario--estudios y otras actividades
2-9 - 2-14
Sep. 15
Día 12 - Los verbos de 'ar'
Class Transparency - Nein
2-15 - 2-16
Sep. 17
Día 13 - El verbo irregular 'tener'
Class Transparency - Nein
2-17 - 2-22
Week 6
Sep. 20
Día 14 - Tirofijo, España y repaso
.AA 2, parte 2
2-39a / 2-41a
2-23 - 2-28
Sep. 22
Chapter 2
Sep. 24
Día 15 - Vocabulario--La universidad; días, etc.; números
Week 7
Sep. 27
Día 16 - Vocabulario; la hora
3-6a / 3-9a
3-1 - 3-5
Sep. 29
Día 17 - La hora; la fecha; adjetivos posesivos
.Study Abroad Presentation
3-10a / 3-16a
3-6 - 3-9
Oct. 01
Día 18 - Verbos ir y dar
Class Transparency - Royal Court, actual photograph -Class Transparency - Pinta, actual photograph
3-10 - 3-12
Week 8
Oct. 04
Día 19 - Vocabulario--La universidad; el verbo estar
 AA 3, parte 1
3-13 - 3-14
Oct. 06
Día 20 - Los verbos de -er / -ir
3-15 - 3-18
Oct. 08
Día 21 - El presente progesivo; síntesis
 3-39a / 3-45a
3-19 - 3-22
Week 9
Oct. 11
Día feriado
Oct. 13
Día 22 - Síntesis; Tirofijo
 AA 3, parte 2
3-48a /3-53a
3-23 - 3-32
Oct. 15
.Chapter 3
Week 10
Oct. 18
Día 23 - Vocabulario--la familia
Oct. 20
Día 24 - Vocabulario y comparaciones
.4-1 - 4-3.
Oct. 22
Día 25 - Comparaciones y superlativos
4-4 - 4-7.
Week 11
Oct. 25
Día 26 - Vocabulario--Expresiones y pasatiempos
 AA 4, parte 1
.4-8 - 4-12
Oct. 27
Día 27 - Verbos de cambio de radical, i-->ie; ser y estar
4-23a / 4-27a
4-13 - 4-15
Oct. 29
Día 28 - Ser y estar; objetos directos; saber y conocer
 4-16 - 4-21
Week 12
Nov. 01
Día 29 - Síntesis; Tirofijo
4-40a / 4-41a
4-22 - 4-25
Nov. 03
Día 30 - México lindo
Class Transparency - El tiempo
 AA 4, parte 2
4-26 - 4-28
Nov. 05
Chapter 4
Week 13
Nov. 08
Día 31 - Vocabulario--Actividades y el tiempo
Class 31, Viaje para dos
Nov. 10
Día 32 - Vocabulario--las actividades y el tiempo
Class Transparency - El tiempo 1
.5-1 - 5-2
Nov. 12
Día 33 - Conjugación de salir, ir, ver, oír, etc.
Class Transparency - El tiempo / Las estaciones
..5-3 - 5-5.
Week 14
Nov. 15
Día 34 - Pronombres de objeto directo
Class Transparency - Direct Object Pronouns - Mamita -Class Transparency - Pronoun placement chart
.AA 5, parte 1
.5-21a / 5-22a
5-6 - 5-9
Nov. 17
Día 35 - Vocabulario--Los deportes
.Departmental Evaluation Form
.5-10 - 5-11
Nov. 19
Día 36 - Vocabulario, pronunciación, verbos (o-->ue)
.5-12 - 5-15
Week 15
Nov. 22
Día 37 - Objetos indirectos y sus pronombres; gustar, etc.
5-16 - 5-20
Nov. 24
Día 38 - El verbo 'gustar', etc.; pronombres preposicionales
Class Transparency - Sucres -Class Transparency - Blue Book 1 (Whopper & Ticket)
5-21 - 5-26
 Nov. 26
Día feriado
Week 16
 Nov. 29
Diá 39 - Síntesis; Tirofijo; Las islas del Caribe
.AA 5, parte 2
5-27 - 5-30
 Dec. 01
Día 40 - Repaso
 Dec. 03
Final Oral
Finals Week
Dec. 08
6-9 pm
Final Escrita
Location: TBA
OTHER: Transparencies and some boardwork will appear as links in this column for access while viewing the class.