Día 1 - 16 de agosto

  1. Are you in the right class? Placement Google Form and Placement Information - First Honor Code document - Additional information
  2. Are you in the right seat (F2F class)? Classroom layout and contact Information
  3. Introductions - Contact Information
  4. Did you come prepared? You should have completed the Pre-semester Checklist available through the Course Moodle, reviewing:
  5. Let's review the highlights of the course syllabus
  6. Will you be prepared for our next class? Let's review the course schedule, MindTap and what we will be doing Wednesday.
  7. Questions and Answers
    1. Project #1
    2. Honors Option - Not available for FLS101, 102, 105, 110
    3. "Credit Only"
    4. ¿Hablar en inglés o en español?
    5. Email etiquette
    6. Different seat?
    7. Online translator use
    8. Disenrollment
    9. What is FLS110?
    10. Absences
      1. Provost
      2. Department
      3. Excusable - Make up possible
      4. Unexcused - No make up
      5. Documentation
    11. Preguntas
    12. Más preguntas
    13. FAQ
  8. Las responsabilidades de los estudiantes y el profesor.
    1. Preparar
    2. Practicar
    3. Prestar atención
    4. Participar
    5. Probarse - ¿Cuánto vale #1? ¿Cuánto vale #2?
  9. Una prueba el miércoles
  10. Perspectiva - Campbell's Soup - How many statues do you see?
  11. Las vocales - a e i o u
  12. Next time - 001-004