Email Etiquette

How to communicate electronically without embarrassing yourself

  1. Always include a brief, descriptive subject line [blank subject line often means spam and will be deleted unread]
  2. Include an appropriate salutation which does not include "hey" ior "hi."
  3. Identify yourself, as well as the course and section number.
  4. State your problem/issue clearly and succinctly.
  5. Proofread! Set your email client to check spelling before sending.
  6. If the issue is time sensitive, indicate that is the case.
  7. If a Registration & Records issue are involved, include your student number.


  • Subject: Clear, brief statement
  • Dear Dr., Prof., Mr., or Ms [Check your syllabus for appropriate salutation]
    1. Professor [highest rank of full professor, usually with 10 or more years at NCSU]
    2. Associate Professor [promoted and tenured, usually with 4-9 years at NCSU]
    3. Assistant Professor [tenured, usually with 0-4 years at NCSU]
    4. Instructor [may be any rank, may or may not have PhD, often not tenure-track, perhaps part-time instructor]
  • Body of the message, with clear paragraphing. This is John Doe in your HI 216Q-001 course this fall, etc.