BAREBACK BRONC: rider uses only strap around rib cage of horse
SADDLE BRONC: ridden with roughout saddle, one cloth rein
TEAM ROPER: one roper ropes the sterr horns and one roper ropes the rear feet, a team effort
DALLY: wrap rope around saddle horn after animal is roped
HOBBLE: leather around horse's front legs to keep from walking too far
LARIAT: rope
LOOP: long loop, wide loop, thrown loop of rope
BARREL MAN: clown in barrel during the bullriding
STAMPEDE: a wild run of cattle
LATIGO: leather strip
RIDING GLOVE: used in bareback or bull riding
HOULIHAN: tumble of steer head over heels in steer wrestling event
LUCK OF THE DRAW: the best animal to give a cowboy a better score
STIRRUP: a foot rest on the saddle
ROUGHOUT: an unfinished saddle
PICKUP MAN: a rider in the arena to help a contestant from a bucking horse
GOOD BUCKER: a top bucking horse or bull
CHUTE: holds bucking or timed event stock prior to event
REIN: cotton woven rope used in saddle bronc riding
CHAPS: a leather covering over riding jeans
GO ROUND: a turn at event
SHORT GO: a championship turn
AVERAGE: scores on all go rounds plus short go to choose winner of event
CIRCUIT FINALS: the regional finals, Texas is the only state that has its own circuit
PAY WINDOW: the secretary's window to pick up winner's check
ENTRY OFFICE: a place to make rodeo entries
HALF HITCH: a knot used by calf roper to tie three legs together
LOW TIME: the winner in timed event
CLOVER LEAF: barrel race pattern
DOGIE: a wild calf (motherless calf)
MARKING OUT: feet in position over shoulders of bucking horse as it makes first jump from chute
FREE HAND: one hand in riding events must stay free of animal, touch is out
TURN OUT: allow animal to leave chute without a rider due to the rider being hurt
COWBELL: the bell at bottom of bull rope to drag rope from bull after the rider dismounts
BULL ROPE: the flat braided rope to wrap around a bull that a rider holds during bull ride
SPINNER: a bull that turns as if chasing its tail, turning one way, then another, scores high
PERFECT SCORE: 100 points. 50 for the rider, 50 for the bull or horse
NFR: National Finals Rodeo
PRCA: Professional Rodeo Cowboy's Association
WPRA: Women's Professional Rodeo Association