Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
No clear rationale or a weak rationale for the project
Some rationale presented, begins to motivate the work
Provides and discusses a suitable rationale
Persuasive and creative rationale
Scope/Dealing with Complexity in Framing a Topic
Frames complex questions as simple ones
Invests questions with some complexity; may oversimplify or overextend
Reasonable balance between focus and complexity
Frames the topic with a full appreciation of its complexity while retaining appropriate focus
Not clear what was done or why, or an inappropriate method
Approach is generally appropriate and properly executed
Well chosen and appropriate, and well executed
Creative and sophisticated methods
Theoretical Context
Author does not demonstrate awareness of the scholarly literature, may overrely on too few sources
Author demonstrates a reasonable awareness of the literature
Author demonstrates broad awareness and situates own work within the literature
Author is aware of scholarly literature, situates own work within the field, and makes a contribution to the field, or identifies a new direction for investigation
Does not take a clear or defensible position or draw a clear conclusion
States and/or critiques a position that may already exist in the literature
Thoroughly and effectively supports, tests, extends, or critiques a position that may already exist in the literature
Develops a clear and defensible position of his/her own; draws a significant conclusion
Weak, invalid, or no argument, perhaps a simple assertion
Some arguments valid and well supported, some not
Main arguments valid, systematic, and well supported
Arguments both well supported and in conversation with conflicting explanations