FL 216 – Art & Society in France
Introductory Questionnaire

Name ______________________



1. How would you define the word “art?”

2. List your favorite of the following categories [French or otherwise] and state why:

• Artist –

• Painting –

• Monument –

• Film –

• Book –

3. Have you ever been to a museum? If so, which one? Tell about your experience.

4. Have you ever been to a French speaking country? Or to a foreign country? If yes, tell about your experience. If not, would you like to? Where?

5. Which words come to mind when you think of France? List at least three.

6. If you could invite any three people to dinner, living or deceased, who would they be and why?

7. This course fulfills the visual and performing arts general education requirement
Why have you chosen a distance-education format rather than a face-to-face one?