Assignments & Exams

Assignment One

Discuss the origins of art in France (The Prehistoric, Celtic, and Greco-Roman).
Then, analyze one example of either Prehistoric, Celtic, or Greco-Roman
art/architecture/artifact to support your discussion.

Be sure to review the Writing Guidelines on the
Course Information
page before preparing the assignment.

Due Wednesday, January 22 by 12:00 Noon

Assignment Two

Analyze a work of French art/architecture from the Middle Ages that interests you,
and explain why. How did it relate to the everyday life of French society?
Was anything learned from the Prehistoric, Celtic, and Greco-Roman artistic traditions?
How did your work adopt, modify, or surpass these traditions?

Due Wednesday, February 5 by 12:00 Noon

Assignment Three

How does the French Renaissance both evolve from, and develop beyond, the
cultural and artistic traditions of the Middle Ages? Analyze a work of French
art/architecture/cultural artifact from the time period relevant to your discussion.

Due Wednesday, February 19 by 12:00 Noon

Midterm Exam

750-800 words [approximately 3 pages].
The subject matter should cover the historical periods
studied through Assignment Three.

Answer the following question, analyzing an example of French art/architecture/artifact
from one of the periods of your choice: “How do one or more of the following
influence art: social, political, economic, or religious conditions?”
You do not need to
cover all of these topics; even one is fine. Follow your personal interests.
Approximately two pages for the overview and one page of analysis.

Due Wednesday, March 5 by 12:00 Noon

Assignment Four

Choose ONE of the following topics:

i) What can we learn today that is useful to our time and place from studying the reign of Louis


ii) What can we learn from studying the French Revolution that is relevant to the political arena in the U.S. today?

Analyze a work of French art/architecture/cultural artifact from the time period relevant to your discussion.

Due Wednesday, March 26 by 12:00 Noon

Assignment Five

What is the relationship between art and technology in nineteenth-century France?
Analyze a work of French art/architecture/cultural artifact from the time period relevant to your discussion.

Due Wednesday, April 9 by 12:00 Noon

Assignment Six

What is the role of French art in the twentieth century? Analyze a work of French or Francophone art/architecture/cultural artifact from the time period relevant to your discussion.

Due Wednesday, April 23 by 12:00 Noon

Final Exam

750-800 words [approximately 3 pages].
The subject matter should come from the historical time frame for the entire semester.

Answer the following question giving specific examples of works of French art:

How has the function of art evolved in France from its origins to the present?

Discuss the overall function of art throughout French history,
then analyze a specific work of French art that is of special interest to you,
explaining why. This can be from any time period, contemporary is fine.
Any subject: painting, architecture, film, photography, fashion, cultural
artifact, etc. Division of paper should be roughly 2 pages of general
overview, then 1 page analysis of your chosen work.

Due Wednesday, April 30 by 12:00 Noon

Exams received after this date and time will not be accepted.