Dr. Despain's Suggestions for Failure

It has been my experience that you will effectively do very poorly in the course if you faithfully:
  1. Do your Spanish work in one or two longer sessions; do not study, review and practice daily.
  2. Prepare the activities silently without thinking about what you are doing.
  3. Skip the "En contexto" exercises in the text and other activities that have audio.
  4. Minimally complete less than all of the other activities (especially Quia) .
  5. Rarely use the language to PRODUCE original oral and written messages
  6. Never ask questions in class to a classmate or to the instructor.
  7. Don't consistently work with your course mate in class. other people to use the language, review the exercises, run flashcards, etc.
  8. Delay or never ask for help when you run into problems with the course, particularly the technology component.
  9. Attend almost every class, usually arriving on time, often having prepared most of the activities and ready to passively participate in the day's activities.
  10. Do not create flashcards; instead, when learning vocabulary look at and say the English words and then look at the Spanish words.
  11. Do not study and learn the material first. Instead, go straight to the textbook exercises and look up the asnwers in the textbook in order to answer the items; do not spend time on the communicative activities.
  12. Don't consistently work with anyone outside of class to use the language, review the exercises, run flashcards, etc.
  13. Don't use any of the following additional resources.

Suggestions for Success