Fecha: _____________        ¿Tengo yo estos problemas?         Nombre: _________________

_____ aspiración de [p t k] -- aspirated [p t k]

_____ / t d / alveolares -- alveolar / t d /

_____ /tr/ --> [č] -- Group /tr/ pronounced as affricate, nearly [č]

_____ /b d g/ intervocálica [b d g] vs [ β ð ɣ ]
_____ /b/ > [v] - inappropriate use of [v]; attempted distinction b-v (e.g. votar-botar)

_____ / ɾ / velarizado - Use of English /r/
_____ / r / --> [ɾ] -- No multiple trill /r/ (for “rr”, beginning of word, and after n, l, s).

_____ Palatalización de /sión/; /si/ --> [š] -- Group /si/ + vowel pronounced as [š] (palatalización)
_____ Sonorización no apropriado de /s/; /s/ --> [z] -- Voicing of /s/ to [z] where not appropriate

_____ "h" pronunciado; "h"--> [h] o [x] - pronounced “h”

_____Schwa; /a e i o u/ --> [ə] -- Unstressed vowels pronounced as schwa
_____Stressed vowels pronounced as diphthongs
_____Final /e/ and /o/ pronounced as diphthongs
_____Spanish diphthongs pronounced as two syllables.
_____/u/ pronounced as [ju] with cognate words ([mjusika])

_____Use of English retroflex/velarized /l/

_____Incorrect placement of accent

_____English pronunciation of cognate words

_____Weak or lost intervocalic / x /

_____English-type contrastive stress

_____Failure to realize enlace and sinalefa (e.g. el otro → e-lo-tro); unnatural pauses between words