Wimba Recording Activities

WimbaBe sure to use the SCREEN NAME section and NOT the LOGIN / PASSWORD section for Wimba using your Section Number LastName FirstInitial SecondInitial (e.g. 001-JonesMB)

You may see up to 9 different Main Wimba messages from me. To ensure that your recordings are saved in the correct folder, be sure to select the Wimba message that corresponds to your section (and TA if applicable) then reply to that message.

If this is the 2nd recording project, be sure that you find your own original recording and reply to that "message" and not the main message. Also, for the 2nd recordings, you can copy the multiple paragraphs from the project page into your Wimba response to make it easier to read as you record.

NOTE: If after you click on the link at the bottom of this page to access the wimba activity, and you see the following message:


Click on the message in order to force your system to use the earlier version of Java without security vulnerabilities.

Click here to go to the Wimba Activity.