Semana #8 | Proyecto #3 | Voice Sample Submission #2

  1. Throughout the course we expect you to:
    • Read out loud everything in Spanish in your textbook and Quia exercises, including all of the activities you complete in preparation for each class.
    • Listen and repeat out loud each of the activities, plus all of the questions and answers made during each class
    • Listen carefully to everything said by your professor and the TAs, and mimic them
    • Take advantage of your speaking opportunities outside of class
  2. In order to evaluate your progress related to oral proficiency, you submit several voice samples during the semester.
  3. Your task is to use Wimba to record your reading of the paragraph below. You can use your own computer or a computer in one of the CHASS language computing labs to complete this project. (Note you must have a microphone and Java installed and functioning properly on your computer in order to to use Wimba. Click here to test your browser.)
  4. Completion Date: Friday, February 27, 5 p.m.

Madrid, situada en el centro geográfico de la Península Ibérica, es una ciudad con muchas atracciones turísticas. En esta bella ciudad llena de cultura y arte, el visitante puede admirar magníficos edificios y amplias avenidas, fuentes y parques maravillosos, grandes museos y antiguas iglesias.

México es el país hispano más conocido por los norteamericanos, porque es nuestro vecino. Esta nación mágica tiene un pasado antiguo que excita la imaginación de los viajeros. Sus pirámides, sus bellos templos construidos en honor a los dioses y sus leyendas mayas y aztecas forman parte de una herencia perdurable.

(Arriba, 2nd Edition, Eduardo Zayas-Bazán, Prentice Hall, 1997, pp 68, 141)

Follow these steps to login to Wimba and record your voice:  

1. Browse to Wimba by first authenticating your Unity credentials.

2. Next, at the Wimba login screen, enter your screen name using your SectionNumberLastNameFirstInitialSecondInitial (e.g. 001-JonesMB), then click on SUBMIT


3. Once the Wimba window loads, click on the message that corresponds to your section and TA.


If you are having browser troubles visit this link to check your browser.

4. Click on the "+" of your section/group to expand the group. Find your original recording then click on it and listen to it.

5. With your original recording selected, click on the reply button so that you reply to your own original message.

6. Record the two paragraphs. Click on the round ball to record your voice, the SQUARE to stop, and the TRIANGLE to listen to your voice recording:


7. Listen to your recording to make sure that it sounds right, then click on SEND.

One helpful hint: Make sure that your microphone is between 2 and 3 inches away from your mouth. This will keep the over modulation to a minimum when you record.


1. 10% - Made a recording
2. 40% - Quantity completed in the 1 minute time limit
3. 50% - Improved pronunciation from first recording

Note 1: This project should take no more than 5 minutes; using the technology is not the point; making a good quality recording of your voice is; if you have any problems with this assignment, quickly contact your TA via email or call them at the office during office hours.

Note 2: This is your second recording; we assume that you will have improved from your first recording and that you sound more like a native speaker