Proyecto #2 - Una conversación breve

This project is a brief, face-to-face conversation with your course graduate TA (GTA) based on the "En acción" section of ¡A comunicarnos! for chapter 2, page 81. Be sure to address each specified item, to communicate in complete Spanish sentences and to not use any English. You (not your GTA) will initiate and maintain the conversation. Click the "GTA Info" link on the course syllabus for GTA office locations.

  1. Content:
    1. Greet one another and then ask and answer questions about your names, home towns or cities, and current residences.
    2. Exchange information about at least three family members, good friends, and pets. Describe at least one physical characteristic or personality trait for each.
    3. Ask and answer questions about activities and items related to academic life.
    4. Converse about other activities. Each of you should name at least two activities that you do or do not do, and at least one that you want to do or have to do.
    5. Conclude the conversation and say goodbye to each other.
  2. Dates: Small windows of time will be made available by your GTA between ~Tuesday, October 12 and Monday, October 18. (Actual due date is determined by final time slot in your GTA's appointment schedule.
  3. Sign up: Sign up for your preferred slot using your GTA's appointment calendar by Friday, October 15, 8AM, or you will lose 5 points (see rubric below)
  4. Converse: On the day and at the scheduled time have the conversation with your GTA using their Zoom link.
  5. Time: 2-minute minimum and 3-minute maximum.
  6. Rubric:
    • Communication: Student made him/herself understood, 5 pts
    • Comprehension: Student understood instructor/GTA, 5 pts
    • Accuracy: Grammar was sufficiently correct to ensure communication, 5 pts
    • Vocabulary: Student's vocabulary was adequate for communication, 5 pts
    • Fluency: Student's speech flowed without distracting hesitations, 5 pts
    • Pronunciation: Pronunciation enhanced rather than impeded communication, 5 pts
    • Failure to set appointment by deadline: -5 pts, plus an additional -5 pts. each day thereafter until you have a date/time scheduled.
    • Each missed appointment: -5 pts, plus an additional -5 pts. each day thereafter until you have a new date/time scheduled.
    • La rúbrica para calificar la presentación
  7. Note: Your GTA will provide this in the chat: 1. Greet; 2. Family/relationship/characteristics; 3. Activities/Academics; 4. Other activities; 5. Conclude; other than that, no notes, no book, no other resources; this is to be a relatively natural, flowing conversation with a beginning, a middle and an end.