FLS101 Beginning Spanish
Course Companion List

In order to develop speaking and listening skills, each student enrolled in Distance FLS101 must have a coursemate with whom they work. You are encouraged to spend as much time together as possible preparing activities and assignments, watching the webcasts, etc. Mnimally, you complete the 20 paired activities assigned during the semester, as outlined on the course syllabus. In addition to fellow students enrolled in FLS101, a spouse, officemate, etc. can serve as your coursemate, if they are willing to progress through the course with you (they do not need to be enrolled), or if they already have a FLS101-level knowledge of Spanish. If you do not live close enough to your coursemate to have the preferred face-to-face interaction, you can use a variety of technological substitutes, such as the telephone or voice messaging software (e.g. Windows Messenger or Skype).

Tell the instructor who your coursemate is during the introductory meeting. If you are not able to attend the introductory meeting, email the instructor with the name of your coursemate. To contact a fellow student about being your coursemate, click on the appropriate link below:

Current Course Companionships FLS 101-601