FLR 201: Intermediate Russian I

Instructor:  Vladimir Bilenkin
Office hours: MW 2:30-3:30 & by appointment
Campus phone: (515)-9316

Office: Withers Hall, room 409 (4th floor)




Class Information
1. Attendance: Class participation is a vital part of the learning processand will count for 30% of the final grade.
Roll will be taken regularly.  Students may take no more than five free cuts per semester. Any further absences,
unless previously approved by the professor, may result in a loss of grade points. In case of emergencies, a written
excuse should be presented. Since we have only three contact hours a week students are strongly advised to take
advantage of the one-on-one tutoring during the office hours. You can also use Free Tutoring-Learning Asst.
Center (126 Nelson, tel. 5-3163).

2. FLL Language Lab:  There is a requirement to do oral drills either by using audio tapes in the language lab or by listening to the audio files on the web. If you prefer going to the lab, you can use either series H or series I  tapes. H-tapes are faster and contain less drills. They are also copyrighted and cannot be dubbed for students' use outside the lab. I-tapes are slower and have more exercises. Since they were recorded by myself the lab attendant can make a copy for you. You will have to provide a 90-minute blank tape. Tape numbers are listed according to the Lesson #. 
Lab Schedule: Daytime Hours: M-TH, 8 am-9 pm F, 8 am-5 pm.

3. Grading policy: class participation--20%, written homework--20%, quizez--10%, midterm - 20%, final--30%. The plus-minus system of grading will be used.

4. Examinations and tests.: There will be two major examinations (a midterm and a final). There will also be a
number of short quizzes, announced and unannounced.

5. Make-up tests: There will be no make-ups except in extreme cases of illness or accident, and only upon
consultation with the professor.

6. No cheating. University Honor Code (Please note): http://sasw.chass.ncsu.edu/fl/faculty

7. Written homework should be placed on the professor’s desk at the end of each class on the due date.

8. Absences. If you feel not prepared for class just tell me not to call on you and DO ATTEND. It is very important to be in class even if you cannot participate. Students with 14 absences automatically fail the course.

9. Russian Club holds "Russian table" meetings every week (place  and time to be announced later). Speak Russian or English, do your homework (my help will be available).

8. Russian Club will hold meetings every week (place and time to be announced later). Speak Russian or English,
do your homework (my help will be available).


1. Russian for Everybody (a set of three books), latest edition $21


Russian Grammar On-Line
English-Russian Dictionary On-Line!
Russian Dictionary with Images and Sounds
Paul's Guide to Cyrillic and Polish for Windows 95
Friends and Partners Web Site (has a chat page)
Russian Chat Rooms

Additional links of interest
Map of Russia
Moscow subway
 Russia Today (daily in English)
AltaVista Search Engine (can do search in cyrillic)
NC State Libraries
NC State home page