FLR 101

Vladimir Bilenkin
Office: Withers 409
Office hours: MWF 2-30-3:30 pm & by appointment
Tel. 515-9316. 


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Russian Writing from Brown University


Course Information and Syllabus

FLR 101 – Beginning Russian I
Section 001-002  Harrelson 233
FALL 2012
3 Credit Hours

Course Description

This is the first of four consequitive language courses offered by Russian Studies Program at NCSU. Beginning Russian I includes introduction to the Russian sound system, pronunciation, and handwriting and covers approximately one third of basic grammar. Successful students (at least a 'C' final grade) will aquire a working vocabulary of about 300 words, elementary reading, writing and speaking skills.
Learning Outcomes
Students who pass this course with at least a 'C' grade will be able to:
• understand simple Russian sentences spoken by the teacher in class or on audio files when based on previously studied material.
• speak Russian at the Beginner's Level using previously studied grammar and vocabulary, ask and answer simple questions on selected topics previously covered in class, participate in group activities with classmates.
• write in cursive Russian at the Beginner's Level using previously learned grammar and vocabulary.
• will understand and able to apply and explain basic grammatical concepts covered in the course.
• will learn basic facts about the origin and historical development of the Russian language, its cultural significance and modern norms.

Course Structure

A typical class will include a review of home assignment, short lecture, recitation, and group activities.


Dr. Vladimir Bilenkin
Email: achekhov@gw.ncsu.edu
Web Page: http://faculty.chass.ncsu.edu/bilenkin/
Course Web Page: http://faculty.chass.ncsu.edu/bilenkin/101/
Phone: 919-515-9316
Fax: 919-515-6981
Office Location: Withers, room 409
Office Hours: MWF 1:30 - 2:30 & by appointment
Course Meetings
Days: MWF
Time: 12:25pm - 1:15pm
Campus: Main
Location: 04211 Broughton Hall

Required Course Materials

1. Russian for Everybody – Baker, et al.
Edition: 6 or latest
ISBN: 0828530017
Cost: $20 . On sale in the University Bookstore.
2. Online handouts for model sentences drills
3. Online audio files

Requisites and Restrictions

General Education Program (GEP) Information
GEP Category
This course does not fulfill a General Education Program category.
GEP Co-requisites
This course does not fulfill a General Education Program co-requisite.
This course will not require students to provide their own transportation. Non-scheduled class time for field trips or out-of-class activities is NOT required for this class.
Safety & Risk Assumptions
Grade Components
Component Weight Details
Class participation 30%
Homework assignments 20%
Combined tests and quizes grades 30%
Final exam 20%
Letter Grades
This Course uses Standard NCSU Letter Grading:
97 ≤ A+ ≤ 100
93 ≤ A < 97
90 ≤ A- < 93
87 ≤ B+ < 90
83 ≤ B < 87
80 ≤ B- < 83
77 ≤ C+ < 80
73 ≤ C < 77
70 ≤ C- < 73
67 ≤ D+ < 70
63 ≤ D < 67
60 ≤ D- < 63
0 ≤ F < 60

Requirements for Credit-Only (S/U) Grading

In order to receive a grade of S, students are required to take all exams and quizzes, complete all assignments, and earn a grade of C- or better. Conversion from letter grading to credit only (S/U) grading is subject to university deadlines. Refer to the Registration and Records calendar for deadlines related to grading. For more details refer to http://www.ncsu.edu/policies/academic_affairs/courses_undergrad/REG02.20.15.php.

Requirements for Auditors (AU)

Information about and requirements for auditing a course can be found at http://www.ncsu.edu/policies/academic_affairs/pols_regs/REG205.00.5.php.

Policies on Incomplete Grades

If an extended deadline is not authorized by the instructor or department, an unfinished incomplete grade will automatically change to an F after either (a) the end of the next regular semester in which the student is enrolled (not including summer sessions), or (b) the end of 12 months if the student is not enrolled, whichever is shorter. Incompletes that change to F will count as an attempted course on transcripts. The burden of fulfilling an incomplete grade is the responsibility of the student. The university policy on incomplete grades is located at http://www.ncsu.edu/policies/academic_affairs/grades_undergrad/REG02.50.3.php.

Late Assignments

I will deduct one grade point for late assignments. No late assignments will be accepted after the class meeting that follows the due date unless the student provides one of these documents: 1) a valid medical evidence, 2) a letter from a parent about death in the family, 3) a written request from a NCSU program for a leave of absence (military excersize, field trip, sport competition).

Attendance Policy

Regular attendance is a university requirement. For every unexcused absence in excess of three (3), the semester grade will be reduced by 1 point. If you miss more than 10 minutes of a class, it may count as an absence, but it is still recommended that you attend the remainder of the class in order to learn the material. DO NOT miss classes because you feel unprepared! Just tell me not to call on you. If you accumulate 9 or more unexcused absences, your semester grade will be F. If you miss three (3) consecutive weeks without contacting your instructor, you may be dropped from the class roll or receive an F for the semester. If you are absent it is your responsibility to get information on the missed material and any changes in the assignments from a class mate. For more detailed information on attendance regulations and on what constitutes an excused absence consult http://www.ncsu.edu/policies/academic_affairs/courses_undergrad/REG02.20.3.php .

Academic Integrity

Students are required to comply with the university policy on academic integrity found in the Code of Student Conduct found at http://www.ncsu.edu/policies/student_services/student_discipline/POL11.35.1.php
Academic Honesty
See http://www.ncsu.edu/policies/student_services/student_discipline/POL11.35.1.php for a detailed explanation of academic honesty.

Honor Pledge

Your signature on any test or assignment indicates "I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this test or assignment."

Electronically-Hosted Course Components

Students may be required to disclose personally identifiable information to other students in the course, via electronic tools like email or web-postings, where relevant to the course. Examples include online discussions of class topics, and posting of student coursework. All students are expected to respect the privacy of each other by not sharing or using such information outside the course.
Electronically-hosted Components: Wolfware discussion board. This is a place for FLR 101 students to discuss and ask questions about course matters.

Accommodations for Disabilities

Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. In order to take advantage of available accommodations, student must register with the Disability Services Office (http://www.ncsu.edu/dso) located at 1900 Student Health Center, Campus Box 7509, 515-7653. For more information on NC State's policy on working with students with disabilities, please see the Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Regulation at http://www.ncsu.edu/policies/academic_affairs/courses_undergrad/REG02.20.1.php.

Policy on Discrimination

NC State University provides equality of opportunity in education and employment for all students and employees. Accordingly, NC State affirms its commitment to maintain a work environment for all employees and an academic environment for all students that is free from all forms of discrimination. Discrimination based on race, color, religion, creed, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation is a violation of state and federal law and/or NC State University policy and will not be tolerated. Harassment of any person (either in the form of quid pro quo or creation of a hostile environment) based on race, color, religion, creed, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation also is a violation of state and federal law and/or NC State University policy and will not be tolerated. Retaliation against any person who complains about discrimination is also prohibited. NC State's policies and regulations covering discrimination, harassment, and retaliation may be accessed at http://www.ncsu.edu/policies/campus_environ or http://www.ncsu.edu/equal_op. Any person who feels that he or she has been the subject of prohibited discrimination, harassment, or retaliation should contact the Office for Equal Opportunity (OEO) at 515-3148.


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Internet Resources for Russian Studies (great resource!) 
Sher's Russian Index (Internet and WWW Links) 
Russian Culture (Daily Update)
Maps of Russia and FSU
Russian historical texts in English
History of USSR
Index of Russian painters
Art links
Virtual Tour of Russia
Moscow subway
Customs and Etiquette
Russian studies